Data Science
We are a new company focussed on delivering data projects for clients to reach their goals. In the process helping companies go to the next level in their data maturity journey. As we are in the early stages of our company you will be learning a lot about data in practice and building successful companies. No endless theories or approvals, but making a direct impact.
We believe that data should be the main steering mechanism.
Helping companies use data to reach their goals.
We will be open for a wide variety of data projects. Therefore we make our selection based on the most value added and how much new things we will learn. Besides working on projects for our customers you will be conducting our own projects as well. Mainly to increase our authority, sales or just for fun. This means you touch base on a lot of practical stuff as well as take responsibility for your own projects. Definitely not like the big four.
We like to do new things and learn in the process. Sometimes we don’t know how it works, but we are confident that we will figure it out. Are you confident in yourself as well, then join us and keep on learning every day. We prefer to deliver fast and iterate later. We keep meetings to a minimum, this directly benefits you as the hiring process will be short. For all our projects, jobs and goals we have feedback loops so we ensure we and you improve constantly.
Do you like to be compensated fairly? Do you want to earn more than your peers? Then pick us over the big 4. They have a pyramid scheme of compensation. The bottom will work hard, but the benefits go to the top. With an extra layer of branding and methodologies to obscure that fact. It’s a numbers game, and not all can reach that 1% top. In our company you start at the top and get the rewards based on the value you add. This is regularly discussed and corrected.
We love to share ideas and be around ambitious people and companies. Therefore, we are a coworking company. Our home base is at the Progress Bar in Rotterdam. There is such a thing as free lunch and drinks. We don’t always want to see you, but love it if it happens regularly.
Data savvy, mentally young, smart and motivated.
Data Science